‘The Evil of Frankenstein’ (1964) (B-Movie Review) — Part One

This series discusses the movie The Evil of Frankenstein from 1964.

In this movie, Baron Victor Frankenstein (played by Peter Cushing, but not on his bicycle) is forced to leave town when a kid spots him snatching a corpse. He and his faithful assistant Hans (played by Sandor Éles) returns to the Frankenstein Homeland home town of Karlstaad, where they plan to sell cheap knock-offs of Frankenstein lore on QVC valuables from the abandoned Frankenstein chateau—did you know the Frankenstein family owned a chateau?—in order to fund his work.

When they arrive, they see a young “deaf-mute” woman (as Wikipedia describes her) being harassed by a pack of assholes gang of thugs (according to Wikipedia). They rescue her from what would no doubt turn into a gang bang, if the movie had been made in the late 60s. When they reach the chateau, they discover all their shit’s been stolen.

The next day, Franky and Hans head for the local carnival, in a lame an attempt to blend in. When they hit the local pub, Franky spots the local “burgomaster”* wearing one of Franky’s rings. Franky goes a bit ballistic, causing him to not blend in as much as he’d hoped. So he has to flee the scene or at least hide. He ends up hiding in the tent of a hypnotist named Zoltan,** who gets arrested and creates enough of a stir to help Franky and Hans get away.

The Dynamic Duo of Frank and Hans pay a visit to the burgomaster’s house to steal back repo Franky’s valuables, but then the cops show up. So, once again, they flee (they do that a lot, don’t they?) and hide out in a cave where they once again encounter the deaf-mute girl.

More to come in the next exciting installment!

*And here I thought it was bürgermeister.

**Why do carnival folk always have names like that? Why not just be “John Smith, Hypnotist”?

This review was written by a real human being without AI assistance.

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