Dark and Twisted Alleys: The Podcast!

The first podcast episode of this amazing international production is out!

Whether it’s on Apple or not yet is unknown at this time. (As I write this, late, late into the night.)

Anyhow, here’s where you can find it.

Check out our discussion of the movie Double Indemnity!

I remember reviewing this one what seems like forever ago! πŸ™‚

PS: It’s on Apple now. How exciting! πŸ™‚

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4 Responses to Dark and Twisted Alleys: The Podcast!

  1. Congrats, Debbi. I’ve got it bookmarked to finish listening later. I skipped ahead in the podcast, and you both make some great points.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debbi says:

      Thank you so much, Ruth!

      It really is a blast talking about these movies.

      I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying our discussion.

      Stay tuned! Our talk about Out of the Past will be a fun one.

      Liked by 1 person

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