Bernard Herrmann and ‘North by Northwest’

You know, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these blogathon thingies, so hopefully I won’t totally screw this up. Especially given the topic of film composer! I’m a music enthusiast (and something of a lapsed musician), as well as a movie lover, so … count me in!

I chose North by Northwest, primarily because it’s one of my very favorite movies, by any director. However, in looking further into the subject of Herrmann’s music and his close association for many years with Hitchcock, I was amazed at how little was written about Herrmann and this particular film. I suspect that was primarily due to the quality and distinction of other work Herrmann did for Hitch at the time. Vertigo and Psycho make rather remarkable bookmarks to North by Northwest, as breathtakingly fast-paced and engaging as the plot of this movie is.

What I have to say here is less a reflection of general critical review than my own personal take of the subject.

Let’s start by asking, what is North by Northwest? It’s a thriller. And a spy thriller. With romance and humor. It has moments that are tender, as well as those that enthrall. For each scene, Herrmann’s music matches the mood perfectly.

It’s a perfect demonstration of how music affects mood. The songs become part of the story. And, have we established what kind of story it is? Well … it’s a spy thriller mashed up with a romantic comedy. Kind of like a faster-paced, more cynical version of Charade, which also starred Cary Grant. But that’s a whole ‘nuther discussion.

The opening titles score makes it obvious that we can expect to be thrilled, possibly to the point of a bit over-the-top, with a kind of muted wackiness beneath the swelling sound of stakes (and expectations) being raised.

The visual imagery of traffic reflected in windowed office buildings. Crowds thronging with a deceptively accidental-looking choreography. All add to a sense of discombobulated adventure in a world of strangers.

But if you break the movie’s entire score down into its various components, you’ll see that each scene is quite intentionally matched with its music. And varies significantly throughout the film.

First, take a look at this breakdown. Now, look at this one. Just the tiniest bit more detailed. 🙂

Then, compare the lists with the one in the notes beneath this video.

But if I had to pick one video that really seems to capture the movie, it’s this one.

Now, I realize it’s the combination of music and image that does that. That sells me on the romantic aspects. But there’s an undercurrent of something more than cheap romance. An undercurrent of danger, uncertainty. Not to mention the occasional marked counterpoint of musical mood to image. (A few of which made me laugh.)

Even though, it only reflects the mood of one scene. Kind of makes you wonder whether this film is a straight-ahead thriller or if its metaphors culminate into the obvious one at the end. 🙂

Another thing I learned is that Bernard Herrmann had an extraordinary career. He collaborated with two geniuses—Orson Welles and Alfred Hitchcock. Started his career writing the score for Citizen Kane. Worked in the business from 1941 to the late Seventies. Composed the score for Taxi Driver.

In television, he worked on The Twilight Zone and the Alfred Hitchcock Hour. He worked in radio, for the stage, and wrote concert works.

Not bad at all for a nice Jewish boy from New York. 🙂 One who formed his own orchestra at the age of 20, according to Steven C. Smith, A Heart at Fire’s Center: The Life and Music of Bernard Herrmann. (Full disclosure: that’s an affiliate link.)

Here’s Bernard Herrmann’s web site. There’s even a Bernard Herrmann Society.

Still can’t get enough Bernard Herrmann? Check these out! 🙂

Bernard Herrmann talks about Alfred Hitchcock!

A Conversation with Bernard Herrmann!

Master of the Atmosphere: All About Bernard Herrmann.

Bernard Herrmann ‘Film Scores on Phase 4’ Box Set Announced.

Bernard Herrmann’s Hitchcock filmography. (Do check out the links!)

And, of course, he’s on IMDB.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration as part of the Bernard Herrmann Blogathon 2021! Hosted by The Classic Movie Muse.

PS: Would this be complete without a Hitchcock cameo? 🙂

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16 Responses to Bernard Herrmann and ‘North by Northwest’

  1. moviefanman says:

    You know you got a stellar combo when the director and composer are that in-sync every piece of music feels like it should be there, and isn’t just background filler. Nice write-up.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Debbi, this is great! I think you’ve perfectly captured the mood of North by Northwest and given excellent food for thought with your insightful reflections. Thanks so much for participating in my blogathon!! 🙂

    P.S. As a musician myself, it’s always lovely to connect with other music lovers and musicians! If you don’t mind sharing, what do you play?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debbi says:

      Piano and guitar. I’m trying to get back into playing piano more.

      I also took voice lessons when I was in college. In fact, I even performed with a duo one night at the Armand’s where I used to work as a waitress.

      I actually considered a music career once. That night, I actually sang and people applauded. I literally did it between serving tables, in my “uniform”. I put that in quotes because it was little more than a T-shirt and black slacks. 🙂

      I did one other (much less memorable, and in one case, outright awful) performances. I could write a book, let me tell ya. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. That’s awesome! Glad to hear you are getting back into it and great stories 🙂 I’m a classically trained pianist and also play the flute. Haha, with live performances anything that can go wrong will go wrong. I guess that’s the price to pay for the thrill of performing live though. There’s nothing like it!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. nitrateglow says:

    Herrmann’s contributions to Hitchcock’s work cannot be underestimated. Critic John Caps once described music scores as an “aural unconscious” and I feel like that fits the score for North by Northwest perfectly, mixing the story’s many moods in such a perfect way.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for all those links. Every once in a while I think maybe I won’t watch North by Northwest when it airs on television but then I will hear the opening notes of Herrmann’s score and I am hooked.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The music in that one video is so beautiful, and beautiful on its own merit. Herrmann had such exquisite talent. This blogathon is helping me appreciate him even more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debbi says:

      I know! What a fantastic song.

      I’ve really just begun to pay more attention to musical score in movies. That subject, in itself, is fascinating.


  7. Eric Binford says:

    Great post! One of the best opening titles music scores ever. You are right — it has been (unfairly) overshadowed by Bernie’s work in Vertigo, Psycho, even Marnie. Nevermind, it is a fantastic score that deserves more love.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jillian Atchley says:

    I’ve never seen this film. (As I explain in my entry to the blogathon, I’m skittish about Hitchcock in general.) The Classic Movie Muse suggested this one may be a good place to start if I want to inch my way out of my Hitchcock-phobia and explore more of his work, so I appreciate getting to learn more about it through your post. It certainly has an appealing cast (in particular, James Mason is my favorite of the bunch!) – and the music is top-notch (as I’m discovering is always the case with Hermann).

    I’m glad you pointed out Hitchcock’s cameo. 😀 If I get brave enough and have the opportunity to watch this film, I’ll know where to look for him. 🙂

    I’m glad I participated in this blogathon (my very first, actually!), as it’s opening me up to a composer whose work is totally new to me – and introducing me to more bloggers along the way. 🙂 I enjoyed reading your post. If you haven’t yet, I’d love for you to check out my entry on Psycho. Thanks! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debbi says:

      Very happy to acquaint you with the Master of Suspense.

      No need to fear this one. It’s nothing like Psycho. 🙂

      But that’s another good one! I’ll have to check out your post.

      Liked by 1 person

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